30 Performance-related databases
30.1 PSES Results interactive analysis and visualization:
URL: https://open-canada.github.io/Apps/pses Source: https://gccode.ssc-spc.gc.ca/r4gc/codes/pses
No other Open Canada data is of as much common interest across the government as the PSES results [^11]. These data contain the information about all GC departments, their organizational structure and performance. A Shiny App prototype is developed to perform three most desired tasks one wished to do with these data (see Figure):
- Vertical result tracking: results comparison across an organization, automated detection and visualization of the performance variation across the organization - for any given PSES question.
- Horizontal results tracking: results comparison over time - for any given unit, in comparison to the organization and Public Service averages
- Performance summary by theme: automated generation of report cards that show the performance at each level of the organization for each of theme and in relation to the rest of the organization and Public Service average.
- Automated generation of full report with detailed comparative analysis and recommendations: for each unit and each level of organization
Figure. Key functionalities of the PSES App prototype: a) vertical results tracking - for any question over entire organization, b) horizontal results tracking - for any unit over time, and c) performance report summary - for each unit, by theme, and in comparison to the Public Service average (shown as crosses) and other units within organization (shown as small dots). The results can be displayed filtered and sorted by score, ranking percentile, org. structure, number of responses, by theme or question.
30.1.1 Other PSES tools and dashboards
TBS Official PSES Results viewer (developed in PowerBI):
Direct link to PowerBI here: https://hranalytics-analytiquerh.tbs-sct.gc.ca/Home/EmbedReport/6?GoCTemplateCulture=en-CA
30.2 TIP requests dataset
Another Open Canada dataset that relates to the performance of many GC departments is the ATIP requests dataset [^22]. An interactive Natural Language Processing (NLP) application has been developed to enable the analysis and visualization of these requests for each participating department (see Figure 2). Its functionalities include: statistics summary, automated key-words and topic extraction using N-grams, document term matrix and Latent Dirichlet Allocation. The topics can be visualized as word-clouds or as graphs that connect the related words.
[^22] https://open.canada.ca/en/search/ati.
See “Text Mining with R!” by Julia Silge and David Robinson (https://www.tidytextmining.com) for definitions of the terms.
Figure 2. Key functionalities of the ATIP App: a) department specific bi-variable statics (such as dispositions by year, shown in the image), b) department specific key topics, visualized as correlated terms graphs , c) key topics for each participating department, visualized as N-gram frequency bars (such as 2-gram, or two-word combination, shown in the image).
30.3 Geo-mapped current, historical and predicted border wait times:
URL: https://open-canada.github.io/Apps/border (redirect to open.canada.ca).
Source: https://gccode.ssc-spc.gc.ca/gorodnichy/simborder
This App (shown in Figure 4) combines Open geo-spatial data with Open historical and current border wait times data to predict and visualize delays at Canadian land border crossings. The App is included (entitled iTrack-Border) in the Open Canada Apps Gallery at https://open.canada.ca/en/apps, where more information about it can be found.