11 Other tips for Efficient coding in R
11.1 Variable names !
Variable names need to help you every time you see them!
11.1.1 Code formating
Install ‘slyler’ package to have RStudio addin to automate formatting your code
11.2 Code starter tricks
11.2.1 Most important / useful libraries
These are libraries / codes that one could use by default when starting a new code.
# 0. General libraries and functions ----
# options(digits = 3); # 7
# options(max.print = 100) # 1000
# options(scipen=999); #remove scientific notation
# library(readxl)
# library(readr)
# library(stringr)
## library(tidyverse) # includes: readr ggplot2 stringr (which we use), dplyr tidyr tibble forcats purrr (may use later) and others - https://www.tidyverse.org/packages/
# library(dplyr) # or
# library(ggplot2)
# library(lubridate, quietly=T) # to work work times and dates
# options(lubridate.week.start = 1)
library(data.table) # needs to be AFTER lubridate
# library(dygraphs)
# library(plotly)
# library(DT)
`%ni%` = Negate(`%in%`)
11.3 Efficient workflows
11.3.1 Workflow: Data-first approach
So, you found a new Open Data dataset. Great - now you can do something with it! This is how you start .
11.3.2 Workflow: Task/needs/algorithm-first approach
11.4 Object oriented programming in R
11.4.1 S3
11.4.2 R6
11.5 RStudio tricks
11.5.1 Coding online
Platforms for coding R online
https://rstudio.cloud/ (login required) - All in One place for learning and coding Running multiple RStudio versions
You want to be able to run multiple versions of RStudio in Windows? You can do with the following executable .bat script.
# Run-RStudio-1.4.bat
@echo off
title Starting RStudio!
echo Hello Dear,
echo Starting RStudio 1.4 (from C:\Users\gxd006\Downloads\RStudio-1.4.1106\bin\) for you...
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Users\gxd006\Downloads" & chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing