Official Canada Vital (Deaths) Statistics, analyzed using Data Science
This project is maintained by open-canada
Disclaimer: The authoritative source for COVID-19 information is The results and views presented here are those by the authors and are not to be misconstrued as representing views of any Canadian Agency, University, or Department. They were developed and gathered by the R4GC Data Science community as part of the community training and socializing, mostly on authors’ own time and using authors’ own resources. All codes behind the analysis and supporting documents are free, open and available in GitHub. Comments and corrections are welcome.
The following presentation was given to the Government of Canada employees, who expressed interest in learning about the latest Government of Canada data related to COVID-19 vaccination.
A considerable portion of this presentation was about how to create a safe and respectful environment within Government of Canada where Government of Canada employees can discuss this topic (“The Elephant in the Room”), which is already causing much of polarization within Canadian public, including among the Government of Canada employees, and which has led to the largest in the Canadian history demonstrations of protests of Canadians against the government.
government, demanding it to revoke its “Mandatory Vaccination Policies”
The solution to this problem was seen in keeping the discussion focused entirely on Canada’s own sources and open data, much of which – thanks to the Open Goverment and Scientific Integrity policies introduced by the Liberal Government several years ago – have now become available, including statistics of the number of deaths by cause and by vaccination status, which can be analyzed and effectively visualized using contemporary open source data science tools such as R and RStudio.
Interactive Open Canada Vitals Statitistcs (Deaths) Tracker App
Last Updated: 2022-02-10
[gc1] “Cases* following vaccination, COVID-19 Daily Epidemiology Update”*, Public Health Agency of Canada, (archived reports)
NB: The statistics reported in this source are computed using death data since December 2020, when there were no fully vaccinated Canadians yet, but when many cases happened (More exactly: There were 0 fully-vaccinated in December, < 1% for most of January, <3% until May). This is known as algorithmic bias, which skews results favourably towards fully-vaccinated cases, and which can be removed using technique described in this paper. The numbers below are quoted directrly from the source.
[ gc2a ] Hospitalizations by vaccination status, COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Ontario,
[ gc2b ] For more information on cases following vaccination, please see the Weekly epidemiology report (PDF) available on the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 data trends page
Total (since Jan 2021) “Not serious”: 28,486.
[gc4] Recalls and safety alerts, Government of Canada: (for [Moderna], [Pfizer], [Astrazeneca] ):
[ gc5 ] Statistics Canada, Canadian Vital Statistics - Death database . Provisional weekly death counts, by selected grouped causes of death. (Dashboard:
[gcA] Vaccination rates (Source:
[gcB] COVID-19 cases vs. COVID-19 deaths (source: google1):
[ukg1] COVID deaths vs. COVID alone deaths (Source: - Explanation):
[usg1] Natural immunity vs. vaccine-induced immunity (Source: - Explanation):
Corrections/Comments: [ open-canada-data-analysis @ ivim . ca ]